Sunday, April 24, 2005

Another posting to Craig's list

So I've reposted some of the ads noted in last weeks post. But here's a new one. To let you know, while I've received some responses, none were intriguiong enough to follow through on, though I had a respectable phone conversation with one correspondent.

10 Reasons I'm worth getting to know

Not in order of importance:

1) I have red hair; we all know that's special

2) I can sing the theme song to Mighty Mouse as well as significant portions of Sinatra's oeuvre and choice selections of America's Broadway past; will perform on command, preferably in or around a shower

3) I will never be prettier than you or a snappier dresser; I wouldn't want to steal your spotlight

4) My chosen profession is more noble than well-paying (librarian)

5) I do dishes; and bathrooms

6) You can beat me at Scrabble (I will beat you at Boggle)

7) I am not an intellectual snob

8) I will take you seriously, even when laughing; I won't take myself seriously

9) My cat will like you

10) I'm a cheap date

11) While one night stands are fun, I'm always more interested in a good laugh and deep conversation

12) all the other reasons I can;t think of right now.

Let me know. Send me a picture and I'll send you one of my cat; and me too.

Again, criticism is welcome



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