Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Can you tell I should be working?

Here's yet another CL post. I think its really sappy and I couldn't seem to get the pronouns consistent (we, you, the other...). But it seemed like a coherent paragraph to write, a voice, a style. I like anything that seems to hold together well. I definitely think that, if anyone will respond, it will be the hopeless romantics with poor self images. But is that really me? Sometimes, I suppose. Only sometimes. The thing about these posts is that I'm not sure any of them are accurate, even in part. I don't know how to put myself down on paper. How can anyone do that? But that's why it's fun, not to try for that goal, but to intentionally disregard it.

Let's pretend we're in love.

Let's make out on the couch like we're teenagers and believe its forever. Let's hold hands in the rain and convince ourselves its the first time its ever happened. Let's get under the covers fully dressed because we're too shy to go all the way; let's try to stay awake, but accidentally fall asleep then wake up sheepish, having to rush home. Let's be each other's first time and not really enjoy it because we're so sweetly concerned about not hurting the other person. Then we can look in the mirror the next day and swear its written on our face; anxious to try again. Let's make mixed tapes for each other, and call each other 10 times a day, and see each other in every little thing, as if the other were the whole world.
This has never happened to me. Is it too late?



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