Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Someone stole my CL ad!

This week, due to some strategizing about when and how frequently to repeat posts, I have been getting some positive responses. And as proof that (poor) imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, someone has copied me. Well, in New Haven someone already copied me, but Connecticut CL absolutely sucks; to stand out on the New York board is much more of an achievement.

Here is my post:

Normal, Serious, Dull as dirt...

...Things I'm not.

Things I am: playful, creative, funny, well read, red haired, an alien in human form bent on taking over the planet (I'm still discovering this side of myself).

What I like: women who wear sneakers, whippersnappers, smarty pants, crosswords, schadenfreude.

What I won't make you do (but may willingly join you in doing): dance at clubs, watch football, drink jello shots, wear high heels, worship satan

What I might make you do: sleep in, watch movies, take walks, be yourself, look at art, worship satan (I haven't made up my mind on this one)

about me: 33-ish, tallish, thinnish, smartish, knish

pictures please

And here is the woman's pale imitation:

Dont't be too Normal (34-48)

I try to be normal and sometimes I can pull-it-off.
‘Suppose eccentric may best fit my description.

Things I am: Clever, honest, funny, employed, well read, spontaneous, observant, open-minded and loquacious.
I am a girl with opinions and accept that you will also have your own.

What I like: Men who arty, adventurous, solvent, sexy, empathetic and edgy. Maybe you are a horse whisperer or play the nose-flute.

What I might like you to do: thrift shop with me, take walks, wash my hair, be yourself, look at art or share a meal with me.

What I won't want you to do (but may willingly join you in doing): eat menudo, go to the track excessively, make crank phone calls, wear mandles or worship Satan.

Somehow this may all come together in some strange way and make eventual sense.

I'm looking to meet people who may change my life or at least pique my interest.

Is that you?

Let me know and oh, send an image of your likeness.

What is odd is that it actually combines two of my posts. Most of it is the body of the post above. But another post I wrote is one that begins and ends like this:

Don't Be Normal
I try to be normal, but I'm not sure it always works
[......]Let me know, oh and send a pic.

Notice how it kept some of my best lines (worship satan, "let me know and oh") yet has reworded most of it to remove the (I must say) most excellent rhythm and lilt of the original. Completely without real style. Though, if I hadn't written the original, I might feel compelled to respond. As it is, I responded to her anyway. I suspect it is someone who already had answered my ad but didn't like my photo or something. Tsk.



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