Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Strange perversions...

This reminds me that once I was walking up the stairs of the Astor Pl. subway station and saw somebody filming up the skirts of women. I knew these things happened but didn't expect it to be so obvious or brazen. The woman being filmed was ahead of me and was walking to fast so that by the time I would have gotten to her she would have been down the block. Besides which I was too shocked to do anything practical such as smash the man's camera.

But the real question is what the pleasure of this specific pornography is. Certainly the illicit voyeurism can be a powerful charge, but the payoff here is very tiny. It seems there are better ways to view women's underwear. At any rate, I am impressed with the creativity of this solution:

So-Called "Skirt Cam" Found Under Subway Grate On Upper East Side

Police found a so-called "skirt cam" under a subway grate at 88th Street and Lexington Avenue Tuesday afternoon after a woman called police saying she had noticed suspicious wires protruding from the grate as she passed by.

Police closed off the street, fearing the device was a bomb, but soon realized it was a four-inch multi-media camera recording and pointing upward. The camera had an external hard-drive, making it possible for recordings to be broadcast on television and downloaded onto the internet.

Police do not consider the camera to be a threat to public safety, but rather a threat to privacy.



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