Thursday, August 25, 2005

If I go, I'm going to take you with me....

Another argument against obesity:

Report: Heart attack victim falls on, suffocates daughter
A Hollywood producer who was found dead in a car with his young daughter had apparently suffered a heart attack and fallen on top of the girl, suffocating her, according to a coroner's report.

But the story has another little twist:
Carr's wife, Chikako Carr, 50, said she still has no idea why her husband took off while she was in a grocery store restroom. He also dumped a box of belongings, including important personal papers and photos, in a pasture on the outskirts of Ashland a few days before he disappeared. Authorities also don't know why Carr drove to Clearlake Oaks. His brother, John, lives there but said he had not heard from Carr, Perdock said.

So the guy mysteriously runs off with (abducts?) his daughter, and then while she is laying down "sleeping" in the rear of the vehicle, the guy "standing over" her or something has a heart attack and falls on her. Doesn't that just sound a little suspicious?

And in local news:
Newark Motorist Shot After Motorcycle Accident
This is interesting, a guy makes an illegal U-turn, a motorcyclist hits him broadside, is thrown off his bike and dies. The guy, instead of fleeing, responsibly gets out of his car to help the cyclist and is approached and shot by a third person who then flees the scene on foot. This is like a random convergence of criminals. For some reason I'm reminded of the jewelry heist getaway from Reservoir Dogs.

And 100wins like their humorous headlines:
More Proof SUVs, Eye Surgery Don't Mix
A sport utility vehicle rammed into the operating room toward the end of a cataract procedure.No one was injured, but Dr. Bernard Spier said that if the accident had happened moments earlier, it could have hurt the patient's eye.Spier had removed the cataract and had just used a plunger to implant a silicone lens when the crash threw him onto the partially sedated patient.``The plunger could have done some damage,'' he told The Star-Ledger of Newark for Wednesday's newspapers.

I'm sure the plunger could have done some damage, but let's not forget the SUV, those can do some damage too.


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