Monday, October 31, 2005

Unfortunate deaths and other things....

Two in the news this morning...

Pastor electrocuted while performing baptism
I would make some joke about the entering in of the Holy Spirit but there is a strange twist to this story. I learned about it before it popped up online because the deceased is a good friend of my coworker's boyfriend. So she was pretty shook up this morning and I will refrain from making any cracks in deference to her...

...but you do have to wonder. Pastors have been using microphones during full immersion baptisms for decades yet it seems obvious they can pose an electrocution hazard. Why are such deaths not more common? Are there any waterproofed amplification devices on the market that would provide a safe alternative? Maybe this will occassion a cessation of full-immersion baptisms.

And in other news:

Woman falls after dangling from hot air balloon
One of the connecting themes between these two posts are how both included numerous spectators and both ust have been exceedingly terrible to witness. If the balloon accident had occurred in a movie though, the crash through the barn roof would have allowed her to walk away from it.


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