Saturday, June 03, 2006


As anyone who know me should be able to attest to, I have a fondness for powerful, earth-shaking thunderstorms, hail, wind, and any weather that might be called violent. I trace this to a childhood spent in Chicago and further west. I have what must be an annoying habit of complaining that the whether in the northeast, due mostly to the moderating influence of the ocean, is far too mild and cannot be considered "bad" weather, just like New York doesn't get very cold and rarely gets very hot. Humidity is slightly a different issue.

Therefore, I must say I have been perfectly satisfied with the last two days of rain. On Thursday I was actually at a co-worker's roof party and was able to witness the slow approach of the lifghtning-filled storm. On Friday, as I stod outside work, I was amazed at a strange orange-brown tint in the storm clouds; truly an unusual sight.

Good times.



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