In the news
National Lampoon co-founder dead at 59
This is almost as funny as "National Lampoon's Dorm Daze" (2003) and "National Lampoon's Senior Trip" (1995)
Hundreds of body parts recalled
Fondly, they were recalled fondly. In a national day of remembrance yesterday, amputees and victims of disfigurement waxed nostalgiac on their lost limbs. Lepers told touching stories of their last moments with various extremities, and a few fortunate individuals proudly displayed their preserved parts in elgant cases. Special atention was given to internal organs and other "forgotten parts"--their loss often overlooked by the wider publice due to their low profile. Livers, kidneys, hip joints seemed to be some of the most common lost parts among this crowd. A minority came out to repesent their lost uvulas, appendices, and third nipples. But these were considered the lunatic fringe.
Conservatives ask FBI to investigate hotel porn
It's really sordid to admit, but I love it when the Hyatt takes it all off and goes at it with Marriott Courtyard. Or maybe a three-way between Motel 6, Days Inn, and Red Roof Inn. If you're into "mature" porn, you can catch the Plaza go down on the Palmer House. And next week we'll see hot man-on-man action with the release of "Room Services" featuring the Soho Grand and W Union Square.
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