Monday, June 20, 2005

My latest CL adventures

Here is my latest post. I think I'm beginning to repeat myself. I haven't had any terribly new ideas lately at least.

I need someone goofy...

Do you chortle? Chuckle? Snort, hoot, guffaw? Maybe we'll get along. I like women who need to laugh, who maybe make up for a lack of elegance with a loose-limbed lope, who can't walk well in high heels but do just fine with soft soled sneakers. Someone who likes to slouch on a couch, kick back in a bar and sing in the shower. Someone who would rather get wet than carry an umbrella, who jumps in puddles. Someone gangly and gawdy, footloose.

Is this you? Or kinda like? I also like smarts but brains come in all shapes. A bit of sass doesn't hurt. As for me, well, I'm tallish, smartish, lots of other ishes (I do dishes, make wishes, swim with the fishes, eat knishes). I like books and words and meaningless trivia, daydreams and lazy days and crosswords.

A picture is appreciated.

In other CL news. Now that I'm back in town I've been on four dates. One of them reinforced a rule I swore I would never break (but keep getting lured into breaking): never go on a date without seeing a photo. I don't know why this ends up being tough to follow. Two others were nice people but not a good match for me. The fourth person was quite attractive and definitely interesting enough to date again. We'll see if if she thinks the same of me, maybe not. Experience has taught me that this is pretty much the expected average result.



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