Sunday, June 19, 2005

My neighbor....

My neighbor for the past two years has been one of those people you never really want to live next too. A little old lady who lived a decrepit existence and seemed a little off her rocker. I dreaded getting a knock on my door when she might ask me to help her with something like changing a light bulb. Luckily she had some family that would stop by once in awhile. Her apartment was in dreadful condition. Not absolutely filthy, but not taken care of and with the appearance of having been lived in for twenty years or more without being repainted or touched in anyway.

Anyhow, two weeks ago when I was moving back into this apartment after eight months away I ran into a medical supply guy delivering oxygen tanks to her. I think she's had this stuff around awhile. I asked the deliveryman how she was doing and he expressed frustration that she seemed completely incapable of following instructions to turn on the oxygen. But still I heard her moving around, maybe with people visiting, nothing seemed abnormal.

Then I went out of town for five days and just got back this afternoon. The first thing I noticed was a police sticker taped over the door jamb, never a good sign. Then there was an odd smell in the hallway and in my apartment, nothing outrageous. Besides which my apartment always smells a little off when I've been away and the windows are shut.

But a quick call to my landlord confirmed the thought. The old lady had died a couple of days ago (who knows how many exactly?) Apparently a relative called police and they broke their way in this morning and found the body.

It's a shame. But it was also clear two years ago that she shouldn't have been living alone. Am I sad? Not at all. If anything I am relieved. Maybe the new tenant will be cute, young and single. I can't pity too much. There are so many people who seem to be living sad, desolate, lonely lives. But these people should not be presumed to be powerless to change or control their situations. I will not presume to know the details of her life--whether she was happy or sad or whatever. Maybe her life was just right. Maybe not. There are many like her. The world is harsh.



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